Armen Sedrakian's group at Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw

The group works on a range of topics, including relativistic fluid dynamics and transport in strongly correlated systems, nuclear physics of dense matter and compact star. Research themes are available for Bachelor, Master and PhD. thesis. Please contact us for further information at:
  • Contact : 424, Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej,
  • pl. M. Borna 9, 50-204 Wroclaw
  • Email :
Ben's Resume HTML Template

Group members


Relativistic hydrodynamics
Relativistic fluid dynamics is studied with the non-equilibrium statistical operator formalism (Zubarev-method), which allows us to formulate causal hydrodynamics directly from underlying Lagrangians of quantum statistical systems [1]. One then can compute the transport coefficients of interest by evaluating various correlation functions in thermal field theories [2].
Transport theory
Relativistic Boltzmann equation (BE) is applied to find the transport coefficients of plasmas, including electron-ion plasma in hot neutron star crusts [3a] and cold pair-correlated quark matter at high densities [4]. The dynamical screening of the boson-exchange among the fermions is taken into account by hard-thermal-loop resummations of boson (photon or gluon) propagators. The effects of anisotropy introduced by magnetic field and its implications for MHD simulations has been studied [3b].
Compact stars
Recent studies have concentrated on the effects of the Delta-isobar degrees of freedom in compact stars [5] as well as the possibility of formation of twins and triplets of compact stars [6] (i.e. stars having the same mass but different radii) due to phase transition(s) in QCD phase diagram. Recent work included detailed simulations of hypernuclear compact stars [7], stars with (superconducting) quark cores [8], and stars that emit axions alongside with neutrinos [9] [10].